Human Resources

Automate Your HR Managment Workflow

Our HR document management solutions make accessing personnel files, submitting paperwork, and managing employee records a breeze. Say goodbye to overloaded filing cabinets and hunting for misfiled documents.

By digitising with Document Options, your employee information becomes more usable and protected both today and into the future. Contact us to learn more about streamlining your HR document workflows!

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Why Choose Document Options

We offer HR document management systems that enable you to store all employee records in one electronic file. Paper documents can be scanned into the system; e-mails and attachments can be copied or moved into the system; even x-rays, photographs etc. Furthermore, retrieving the employee file will enable you to view, print or e-mail the whole file, a section of it or an individual page.

Large batches of non-urgent work may be sent to us for scanning and uploading to the same server for you to access. We offer both a hosted solution and a on-premise solution.

Relying on paper files means relying on how well the filing was done. This can mean that the files of employees with large or multiple files may have been separated.

The files can be made available anywhere and to anyone that needs the information. This is subject to them being authorised to do so which is ensured by a secure log on and pass word procedure. So if you are a multi-location organisation or working from home you can still access the files quickly and easily.

Benifits of Automated HR Systems

  • Digitises personnel paperwork
  • Automates recordkeeping processes
  • Provides anytime, anywhere access
  • Ensures security and compliance
  • Supports efficient onboarding
  • Simplify regulatory audits through digitally archived records

How HR Automation Works

Instantly access employee records from hire to retire. Our automated Human Resources document management solutions digitise paperwork into organised digital files whilst ensuring compliance, privacy, and data protection.

Integrity and confidentiality are vital when dealing with personal data. Our services enable efficient management of employee documents over the entire employment lifecycle.

Intelligent document management systems bring these and other processes together by creating electronic copies of your outbound communications. They are then stored in a single, central repository alongside the scanned originals.

We provide tracked onboarding document kits. Personnel records are organised into secure digital employee files with access permissions. Documents like contracts, tax forms, training certificates are routed digitally for signatures, reviews, and approvals based on internal rules.

HR team

Process for HR Document Management


Step 1

Track incoming personnel files


Step 2

Documents Scanned to Employee Files


Step 3

Automate the HR workflows


Step 4

Recorded updated and securley logged in your HR system.

What Our Customers Say

Case Studies

Aviation Network

ANA Aviation

ANA Aviation Services and Network Airline Services are a specialist airline management provider, designing and delivering innovative airline solutions to customers across the globe…

Civil Aviation

Civil Aviation Authority

The Aeromedical Support unit of the CAA regulates and implements medical requirements for professional flight crew, private pilots, air traffic controllers and cabin crew…



ANA Aviation Services and Network Airline Services are a specialist airline management provider, designing and delivering innovative airline solutions to customers across the globe…

Areas We Cover

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